Basic Linux Commands for Oracle:
Listed down some of the basic commands which will help you while administering or implementing Oracle on linux.
Password Files: #cat /etc/passwd
Group File: #/etc/group
Create User: #useradd
Delete User: #userdel
Modify User Account : #usermod
Performance Monitor: #top
System Activity Reporter: #sar
Virtual Memory Statistics: #vmstat
IO Statistics: #iostat
Display Swap Size: #free
Activate Swap: #swapon -a
Network IP configuration files: #cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
Host file : #cat /etc/hosts
NIC Configuration: #ifconfig -a
File system table: # cat /etc/fstab
Check free disk: #df -k
Disk label: #fdisk -l
Display Volume Group: #vgdisplay -v
Physical volume list: #pvdisplay
List logical volume: #lvdisplay
Check physical RAM: #free
NTP configuration file: #cat /etc/ntp.conf
Install RPM: #rpm -i rpm_name
Uninstall RPM: #rpm -e rpm_name
List installed RPM: #rpm -qa
CPU info: #cat /proc/cpuinfo
Get OS kernel: #uname-r